About Cooper Klein

Cooper Klein is an entrepreneur with a degree in Marketing and a regular contributor to several online magazines. In order to spend more time with his family, Cooper decided to take a break, and he’s currently working from home.

How Team Building Can Improve Work Culture

As vital as customers are for the success of a business, it would go nowhere without a dedicated workforce. Employees need to be properly compensated and rewarded for everything they ...

How Team Building Can Improve Work Culture2022-11-15T03:08:50-05:00

Create Happy Memories at Workplace: 6 Tips

You probably spend more time at work than anywhere else. You've made friends, established routines, and maybe even found a second family. So why not make the most of it? ...

Create Happy Memories at Workplace: 6 Tips2022-11-01T05:12:49-04:00

4 Ways to Reduce Stress in the Office

Almost every type of job can or will cause stress in the everyday life. Meeting deadlines, long hours, and dealing with clients and your boss can make you feel overwhelmed ...

4 Ways to Reduce Stress in the Office2022-10-21T05:08:02-04:00

5 Ideas to Celebrate Halloween in the Workplace

Spooky costumes, mystery games, trick or treating, and watching horror movies! Who does not like to celebrate Halloween? From adults to kids, they all like to dress up like their ...

5 Ideas to Celebrate Halloween in the Workplace2022-10-21T03:25:35-04:00

Work Environment Factors That Affect Employee Performance

The workplace should be a place where employees can work productively and happily. However, poorly designed, badly managed or poorly developed work environments can seriously affect employee motivation.  Factors such ...

Work Environment Factors That Affect Employee Performance2022-10-17T04:55:37-04:00