About Robert Clayton

Robert Clayton is a blogger with a degree in engineering based in Sydney. His interests and passions include DIY, green technologies and home improvement. He also loves good food, music, dogs and enjoys spending time by the ocean. He’s a regular contributor for Smooth Decorator, An Australian Home improvement website.

8 Sports You Should Definitely Introduce To Your Office Team

The modern workplace is often seen as a competitive environment, where employees are constantly vying for recognition and advancement. And while there are certainly benefits to working in such an ...

8 Sports You Should Definitely Introduce To Your Office Team2022-12-07T03:06:05-05:00

6 Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Coworking Space Online

As the number of freelancers and remote workers continues to increase around the world, coworking spaces are slowly becoming a necessity rather than just a practical and convenient solution. With ...

6 Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Coworking Space Online2022-09-13T06:25:36-04:00

Importance of Product Packaging

Packaging is an important aspect of any product. It can be the deciding factor in whether or not a consumer decides to purchase a product. Good packaging can make a ...

Importance of Product Packaging2022-06-22T08:53:55-04:00