A car accident, even a seemingly minor one, can profoundly impact the victim’s health. The range of injuries, from temporary to permanent, necessitates immediate medical attention. Even a minor collision can cause internal bleeding or organ damage. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the potential injuries you might face in a car accident before seeking legal assistance. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions about your health and legal rights.

Common injuries of car accident victims 

Here are some of the common injuries of car accident victims:

  • Traumatic brain injury

When the head experiences a sudden jolt or impact during a collision can lead to a head injury within the skull. This injury can have a wide range of effects on the brain, from mild unconsciousness to permanent cognitive impairment. 

Understanding the potential severity of a traumatic brain injury can help you appreciate the importance of seeking immediate medical attention after a car accident. 

  • Spine injury

The rapid back-and-forth motion of the head during the accident can affect the spine and neck. The most common is whiplash injury, which involves soft tissue on the neck causing pain, stiffness, or even reduced motion. Severe injury to the spinal cord can also lead to paralysis. 

  • Fractures

Fractures are quite common in car accidents during high-impact collisions. They can occur in any bone and are primarily visible in the legs, arms, ribs, and pelvis. 

Based on the location of the fracture and severity of the injury, appropriate treatment is recommended, which can be either physical therapy or surgical intervention.

  • Burns

During a car accident, the victim can get exposed to heat, flame, or chemicals, leading to burns. Also, there are chances of fire and explosion leading to first-degree burns, or it can also get to life-threatening third degrees. This injury requires intensive medical care and rehabilitation. 

  • Internal injury 

When a car is involved in a forced impact, the most significant concern is damage to the soft tissues. There can also be a risk of internal organ damage, such as lung, liver, kidney, or organ rupture. Complications can occur that need immediate treatment. 

If left untreated, these injuries have the potential to escalate into serious health consequences, underscoring the importance of seeking medical help without delay. 

Why should you visit a car accident doctor?

After the crash, visiting a car accident doctor for a complete health checkup is essential. This proactive step ensures your health and well-being and is crucial in filing compensation or a lawsuit, underlining the need for immediate action.

  • With the help of a car accident doctor, you can get a complete assessment of your health and document severe injuries resulting from the crash. It would be vital evidence when filing for medical compensation or other damages.
  • Specific injuries might not develop into symptoms immediately, but with a medical evaluation, proper treatment can prevent them from growing into something serious. 
  • In legal cases, a solid medical record would help the jury understand the details of the injury, the treatment received, and the future treatments required, strengthening the compensation claim. 

It’s crucial to consult with personal injury lawyers San Diego to protect your legal rights and maximize the compensation you deserve. They have the expertise to navigate the complex legal process. 

They can use the doctor’s evidence as powerful testimony to help the jury understand the depth of your injury and how it has affected your daily life, thereby securing a fair judgment.