Cinema has given us an abundance of unrealistic world views, including those related to work. In the world of motion pictures, characters either love or loathe their workplace. However, the real world is not as black and white. In reality, even people who adore their work have difficult days, those intervals where procrastination becomes your middle name and every task can wait until tomorrow. Even though such days are inevitable, there are certain methods of increasing work productivity – one of them being restyling your workspace. Out of all the ways to go about it, this article centers on how mood-boosting office plants and greenery, in general, could just work in your favor!
A tree (or two?)
The last paragraph was all about taking the first step toward a greener workplace. This one is the complete opposite. It’s all about making moves, big ones in fact. In the spirit of grand change, why not consider placing a tree in the office?
Certain researchers claim that even looking at trees may have a positive effect on our mental health – a fact that even governments have taken notice of. As an example, the Australian government has put eco-friendly policies in place in hopes of making the post-pandemic transition back to the office as smooth as possible.
On a less serious note, having a tree in or in front of the office would also be quite a statement. Of course, a tree won’t simply work in every space. It needs space and enough natural night to thrive. Thus, it would be ideally placed in the office courtyard, where workers could gather and take a break from their responsibilities.

Photo by Unknown Wong on Unsplash
Individual plants
Grandiose changes rarely have a lasting effect. Thus, instead of turning the workspace into a rainforest overnight, we suggest starting small – just a few individual plants in the office. Of course, this won’t seem like a notable change at first. After all, what could a few periodically placed plants achieve on their own?
Well, it seems that they can achieve plenty. For one, plants decrease noise pollution, meaning that placing them in crowded areas such as the cafeteria or the lobby would be ideal. In addition, plants are natural air purifiers.
Thus, individual pots should be placed in offices as well. Be sure to contact reputable office plant hire professionals to help you green up your working environment and boost employee productivity. Because of their ability to decrease pollution levels, office plants in turn increase the ability to concentrate and with that contribute to worker productivity and overall mental health.
A plant wall
If you thought this article couldn’t suggest anything more drastic than an indoor tree, you were sorely mistaken. This paragraph is all about the concept of a plant wall. While they do come in an abundance of shapes and sizes, all plant walls have one thing in common – their positive effect.
For one, a plant wall may function as a divider between office spaces, one that is easily movable and adjustable. Another possibility would be to incorporate it solely for visual effects. A vertical plant wall comes with its irrigation system, gutter/drain installation, and framework. Thus, you’ll have to do little work, while the employees experience both a productivity and mental health boost.

Photo by Uneebo Office Design on Unsplash
A caretaker
At this point, we’ve spent a substantial amount of time discussing which plants work in the office. However, bringing a load of potted plants and trees into a workspace is by no means the end of the road. Once they’ve arrived, the question is – Who will take care of them?
Every firm will inevitably have a few employees eager to see the newest green residents. However, while this may seem like a financially beneficial solution, it may turn out to be just the opposite. Employees often have an abundance of tasks to complete throughout the day, running the risk of either over or under-watering the plants.
This lack of schedule will then result in plants dying and the company paying for new ones every few months. Thus, we recommend hiring a professional, someone with the knowledge and skillset to take care of a variety of plants and ensure they have a long and vibrant life.
In conclusion
This article has been a bit of a rollercoaster. It went from suggesting a few potted plants to advocating for self-watering green walls in a matter of sentences. While it’s short of impossible to incorporate all these green solutions into one office, each of them is a sound choice with its unique benefits.
To decide on one, we suggest discussing the matter with your employees. Inquire about their opinion on the matter and see to an agreement that works for everyone. Oh, and, definitely don’t forget to ask about allergies!